Just a quick update on the Studios. We have received the plan review from the city and they are requiring a few changes. Once we finish those we can resubmit the revised plan and the city will then make sure the changes are made and hopefully grant us the permits.
Once that happens it's go time. We expect the studio buildout to take about 3 months from the start date, which I will keep you all posted on. For now, we sit, we wait, and we hope and wish for that start date to come soon.
Another update, you will see a banner put up in the next week at the studios. We are excited to get people reserving spaces and begin their journey of studio ownership. I very much look forward to building this business and create a community of salon, spa and wellness professionals within this space. I am eager to serve the great people in our growing city of Eagle Mountain in multiple ways.
Please help me spread the word about this new business opportunity by sharing our page to your social media.
